Using the photoshop element from the adobe editing suite, I created a film poster utilising the most technical features of the app. Using the gradient tool to create realistic shadows while layering the photos and warping their scale, I created an ominous visual effect that portrays the internal struggle of the main character.



To portray the emotional turmoil our main character will suffer from, I planned to show the range in expression through a collage of photos. However, in reflection of the planning stage, I observed that this format was traditionally reserved for showing off an ensemble cast rather than to emphasise the skills of one actor.

Staying true to the aim of the original plan, I decided instead to portray these range of emotions as more of a transition. This make sense plot wise as it introduces a sense of narrative while simultaneously showing the acting skills of the main character. Acting being a factor many fans of the genre find desirable this was very important. I therefore went with this idea and believe it is highly successful in its message and marketing capability.




  1. TENET Insightful analysis that confidently explores the visual codes of the protagonist, situating his posture, costume and props in relation to genre, such as how the mirror image may be symbolic of time travel and the ways in which Washington is established as the action hero. You show how the poster engages its target audience. You offer thoughtful remarks on how the layout signals the genre, such as the canted angle of the text, which challenges conventions, and you pick up on the connotations of the film title font. Very well presented.

  2. Poster SHUTTER ISLAND A second excellent piece of analysis that demonstrates how the visual codes convey the darkness and danger of the thriller genre through the tones, symbolic use of colour and the mise-en- scène. You explain the impact of the centre of visual interest being dominated by DiCaprio in close up, how his expression creates unease and the connotations of the match flare. You note poster genre conventions such as the prominence of the star billing and the release date. You comment well on the impact of font and colour in the layout.
    To improve: use the term ‘tagline’ rather than ‘the text’.

  3. Poster AMERICAN PSYCHO You pick up on the dual personality that is conveyed by the image of the protagonist – outwardly respectable but a secret killer, analysing the smart clothing codes, iconography of the knife and ‘respectable’ traditional font. You note the double entendre of the tagline ‘killer looks’ and the darkness of shadows, suggesting his secrets.
    To improve: Would you say that the distortion in the reflection and the use of the knife signal horror? Is this how the target audience’s interest is engaged? Also by the fact that, unusually, he is avoiding our gaze?

    You have conducted detailed relevant research which you present creatively in appropriate formats. Your research shows detailed articulate reflection and sound knowledge of genre conventions, which you have applied very successfully to your own work. Your centre of visual interest, colour and font choices signal the dramatic genre, and poster genre codes and conventions are met.
    Your main image is both striking and subtle: your skilful use of layers in Photoshop creates a brooding, interior quality which connotes the protagonist's descent into mental confusion and despair, and offers a palpable quality of downward movement. The dark colour choices in the centre of visual interest suggest his bleak mood. Against the backdrop, the names of talent still struggle to be seen, however. The whole is a sophisticated response to the brief.


Promo Pack Brief

TOM BOWLING  1807 MAIN TRAILER: TEASER TRAILER: I worked with Preesha Patel 1838 Brief Option 2: A promotion package for a new film, to incl...