Friday, March 18, 2022

Promo Pack Brief




I worked with Preesha Patel 1838

Brief Option 2: A promotion package for a new film, to include two trailers (major task), together with an official social media page for the film and a poster for the film (minor tasks).  We made the promo pack for a drama film entitled GROUND FLOOR


Previously familiar with the Premiere Pro editing software, I took responsibility for the heavy lifting in terms of the editing. Notably, being the use of masking and transitional effects helped the pacing of the trailer. This pacing is seen within the incorporation of intertitles within the clips, mentioned in my post title, 'Construction: Masking' the film title is seamlessly revealed behind the man as he runs past the screen, allowing the pace to be withheld.

Audio syncing was equally a large part of the responsibility, given that we regularly used voiceovers it was important that it was parallel to the actors' faces. A task made less challenging through premiere pro's audio editing features that allow audio to be manipulated easily.

Furthermore, I orchestrated the design of our production company logo TENPIN PRODUCTIONS. Using green screen chroma key imaging, I simulated a game of ten-pin bowling where the pins fall down to reveal the production company name "Ten-Pin Productions"


Our project thrived off our ability to bounce ideas between each other; A quality evident within the many stages of planning leading up to the final project. These ideas flourished in the filming stage, were within Preesha's direction I contributed spur-of-the-moment ideas that fleshed out the action or the drama of the scene. With only one actor in this project, the filming process was far more intimate in the sense that we made changes as and when it felt right and really took the time to get the shot we wanted.


Following the lack of freedom we had in our first project, we decided we'd act in the project ourselves. Thus allowing our filming to take place wherever we want without a time limit.


For the social media minor task I took responsibility for the Ground Floor Twitter page. Utilising its interactive features, Twitter enabled an essential level of engagement between our audience that built up a community around our film. 

More on can be read on the page above labelled 'Social Media'

MY CCR is linked in the page above

My Twitter page is linked below:

Saturday, February 19, 2022


 Using the photoshop element from the adobe editing suite, I created a film poster utilising the most technical features of the app. Using the gradient tool to create realistic shadows while layering the photos and warping their scale, I created an ominous visual effect that portrays the internal struggle of the main character.

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Planning: Risk Assessment







In abnormally cold conditions, there is the risk of catching a cold or hypothermia.

If raining there is a risk of the ground becoming slippery and cast and crew falling over

Low- easily avoidable

Check the weather conditions before filming


Filming near a road, there is a possibility for the cast and crew to get hit by an unseen oncoming vehicle


To always stop and be aware of surroundings before either crossing the road or being around a road 


Risk of the cast and crew getting an allergy attack or having a preexisting health condition come up on set


Carry a first-aid kit and be aware of all health conditions of the crew and take healthcare measures respectively


Filming in the woods, the ground is highly uneven and therefore risk of tripping and twisting an ankle is extremely high


To walk slowly and always carry equipment in a secure safe bag in case equipment breaks on fall.

Thursday, November 18, 2021

PLANNING: Casino Scene

Inspired by the camerawork of Casino Royale and the settings of how I met your mother. It brought forward plenty of inspiration to plan our own casino scene

With these ideas in mind, we went to Celtx where we worked together to write up a script, which, while short, will help dictate the length and structure of the shoot.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Construction: Chase Scenes

Using a local location that was in mind during the planning of our production, we encountered many spots which evoked the claustrophobic, panicked atmosphere we wanted to achieve in these clips. The most effective of which being a long, side path off a forest.

A narrow path with inward leaning, crooked fencing either side and tall oak trees peering over connotes the situation of this man in that he is desperate to escape an oppressive situation. The location well symbolises the anxiety of the man running clumsily in centre frame.
With this shot being one of the first in the order of our filming, we were still familiarising ourselves with the camera equipment, therefore much of the footage came out blurry in comparison to our later shots.

Promo Pack Brief

TOM BOWLING  1807 MAIN TRAILER: TEASER TRAILER: I worked with Preesha Patel 1838 Brief Option 2: A promotion package for a new film, to incl...