Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Construction: Chase Scenes

Using a local location that was in mind during the planning of our production, we encountered many spots which evoked the claustrophobic, panicked atmosphere we wanted to achieve in these clips. The most effective of which being a long, side path off a forest.

A narrow path with inward leaning, crooked fencing either side and tall oak trees peering over connotes the situation of this man in that he is desperate to escape an oppressive situation. The location well symbolises the anxiety of the man running clumsily in centre frame.
With this shot being one of the first in the order of our filming, we were still familiarising ourselves with the camera equipment, therefore much of the footage came out blurry in comparison to our later shots.

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Promo Pack Brief

TOM BOWLING  1807 MAIN TRAILER: TEASER TRAILER: I worked with Preesha Patel 1838 Brief Option 2: A promotion package for a new film, to incl...