Wednesday, September 15, 2021

RESEARCH: Where are trailers shown?

According to the FDA film trailer website, Trailers are shown at the Cinema, TV Spots, and most prominently in this digital age: Social Media. 

  • Cinema - As played 30 mins before the film, it is likely a paying audience for the film would be interested in films of a similar genre. Therefore, in the midst of comfortable seating and snacks an audience is likely to engage with whatever is presented.
  • Social Media - As videos can be embedded, it is easy for audiences to engage with the content that is promoted to them as it plays upon scrolling into view of the trailer. This is preferable as it forces audiences to see your trailer, this means it is essential for the content to appeal to the 7 second rule (the amount of time a viewer will view a product before scrolling). In squeezing the USP of the trailer and other attractive features within these opening moments people who don't go out of their way to view new trailers will possibly engage with your product regardless.
  • TV Spots - With these styles of advertising dominating how trailers are distributed for the past decade, TV spots are infamous for their nuisance as it frustratingly interrupts the programme. In adaptation to this, viewers often pre-record the show to be able to skip through the ads or, as of recent, switch to streaming services where there is no advertising. It is because of this that TV spots have lost their effectivity.
On the Film Space website, Dan Skinner discusses the effect of duration and style on trailers and who it will be consequently viewed by.
Teaser Trailer - The first time you get to see the material, the purpose of the teaser trailer is to get a sense of what the film will be about and excite you. Fewer shots, there is less plot and simply a first glimpse into the movie.

Main Trailer - Often Longer, trailers are anything up to 3 minutes long. The Trailer needs to set up the story, specifically what needs to be overcome by the protaganist. It is further important that the Trailer unfolds every piece of content that would be found appealing, revealing who is involved in the film means that audiences can create associations with directors who have made other films they've liked.

TV Spots - Much shorter, they work on the audience having knowledge of the film, reminding audiences of the films release and building excitement. Unlike the Main Trailer when there is no set duration, the TV spot needs to be very creative in fitting into such a finite time period.


Promo Pack Brief

TOM BOWLING  1807 MAIN TRAILER: TEASER TRAILER: I worked with Preesha Patel 1838 Brief Option 2: A promotion package for a new film, to incl...